Trivia Questions Week 11/09/18

  1. Back in 2005 Tracy McGrady scored:  13, 14, or 15 pts in 33 seconds to complete one of the greatest comebacks in NBA history leading the Houston Rockets over the San Antonio Spurs?
  2.  On average Colton’s Steakhouse in Springfield, MO serves closer to:  57, 75, or 93 lbs of peanuts per day?
  3. In 1995 Indiana Pacer Reggie Miller scored 8 pts in:  7, 8 or 9 seconds to lead the Pacers past the Knicks? (Choke Sign to Spike Lee)
  4. According to a consumer phone call study – the nation’s fastest talkers reside in:  Delaware, Neveda or Oregon?
  5. “Octopush” is a real game of skill that is played:  Under Water, On Dry Land, or On The Water? (Underwater Hockey)
  6. Dan Holmes is a man so into gaming that he legally changed his name to:  X Box, Play Station, or Game Boy?
  7. In most Martial Arts disciplines the belt color that precedes the “Black Belt” is:  Brown, Purple, or Red?
  8. The 1973 record album “Don’t Shoot Me, I’m Only The Piano Player” was released by:  Billy Joel, Elton John, or Ray Charles
  9. Baseball has the highest percentage of College Athletes that turn pro at 10.5% – what college sport has the 2nd highest percentage:  Golf, Hockey, or Bowling? (4.1%)
  10. Bible Question:  In Revelation, how did the dragon try to kill the woman – by:  Fire, Water, or Trampling?  (Rev 12:15 Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman & sweep her away with the torrent)
  11. This celebrity’s mother was a Snowmobile mechanic:  Danica Patrick, Rhonda Rousy, or Taylor Swift?
  12. This band was originally known as “The Rattlesnakes” – was it the:  Beach Boys, Bee Gees, or the Beasty Boys?
  13. How many minutes make up a Field Hockey Match:  50, 60, or 70?
  14. McRib is back for a limited time at McDonald’s but it was first introduced more or less than 30 yrs ago? (1981, 27 yrs)
  15. What is the speed of Softball’s fastest ever recorded pitch:  84, 94, or 104? (Eddie Feigner “The King and His Court” – some say it was 114 mph)
  16. In the movie “Christmas Vacation”, how many family members are sitting at the dining room table when Clark is about to carve the Christmas Turkey:  12, 13, or 14?
  17. The fastest pitch by a female Softball pitcher was set in 205 by Australian Zara Mee at:  69, 79, or 89 mph? (68.9 mph)
  18. The typical lightning bolt is 2″ to 4″ wide and 1/2 Mile, 1 Mile, or 2 Miles long?
  19. What is the most common age for Summer Olympic Gold Medal Competitors:  21, 23, or 25?
  20. From the Christmas Movie “Elf” – how many pieces of gum find their way from the Subway Handrails to Buddy’s mouth:  4, 5, or 6? (We get to see only 4 before the movie cuts away to Buddy getting sick from running circles at the glass revolving doors)