By Eldon Combs | October 28, 2016 | Comments Off on Trivia Questions Week 10/28/16
In the world of tournament fishing it is considered bad luck if: A barefoot lady passes by on the way to the dock/boat, you make eye contact with anyone holding a closed face reel, or your feet get wet before getting in the boat?
What was the first year grocery shoppers could’ve heard the “Beep” of an item scanner: 1972, 1974, or 1976? (3, Marsh Supermarkets in Troy, OH)
The record for most interceptions in a college game by a quarterback is more or less than 10? (9, by Univ of Florida QB John Reaves, Florida vs Auburn 11/1/1969)
What country gave Florida to the USA in 1891: France, Spain, or Portugal?
Which Unviversity hold the NCAA record for most infractions: SMU, OU, or Univ of Florida? (Racked up a slew from 1974 to 1985 even banned from playing football)
Which appeared first: Henry Ford created his first car the Model T (1908), Hot Dogs were invented (1906), or Wilbur & Orvill Wright took flight at Kitty Hawk (1901)?
How many official take the field for an NCAA football game: 6, 7, or 8 (They threw in a new “Center Judge” in 2015)
Bible Question: From the Old Testament what is the name of Abraham’s 3rd wife: Hagar, Hannah, or Keturah? (1, Sarah – 2, Hagar – 3, Keturah)
Since 1966 to today 10/28/16 – All Notre Dame home football games have been sold out except for: 1, 3, or 5 games?
What percentage of women in America own 10 or more pairs of jeans: 25, 50, 75%? (According to a large ShopSmart poll featured in Consumer Reports)
In college football after how many overtime possessions is a team force to attempt a 2pt conversion after scoring a TD: 2 or 3?
The Battlefield Mall at Battlefield & Glenstone in Springfield, MO is currently home to 93, 103, or 113 businesses?
As of today (10/28/16) how many college kickers have attempted and made a 67 yard field goal: 2, 3, or 4? (Tom Odle, Fort Hays State vs Washburn, 1988 – Joe Williams, Wichita State vs Southern Illinois, 1978 – Russell Erxleben, Texas vs Rice, 1977 – Steve Little, Arkansas vs Texas, 1977 – Oh! by the way the longest in college football belongs to Ove Johansson, Abilene Christian Univ vs East Texas State 10/16/1976 at 69 yards * he was using a 2″ tee*)
As of today 10/28/16 the Queen City of the Ozarks – Springfield, MO currently has this many Kum & Go locations: 22, 32, or 42?
On average the SAT point differential between College Football players and the normal student population at an NCAA School is more or less than 200 points? (The average is a 220 point difference and the Univ of Florida leads the nation with a 356 point gap)
The height of a standard Fire Hydrant is more or less than 28 inches tall? (28.6″)
In 2015 the most reviewed type of play in the NFL was a: Complete/Incomplete Pass, Fumble/Down By Contact, or Down By Contact/Forward Progress?
The length of a standard gas pump hose is: 7, 8, or 9 feet?
In 2015 this NFL team had the highest success rate when throwing the red flag and reviewing plays: Cardinals, Colts, or Cowboys?
From the Batman Movie, “Dark Knight” how many bad guys got to watch the best JOKER ever (Heath Ledger) do his “Disappearing Pencil Trick”: 18, 21, or 25? (Go watch the scene – it’s hard to count but they’re all there)
In 2015 the Dallas Cowboys had the highest rate of success in the NFL when challenging & reviewing plays at more or less than 50% (49.5%)