By Eldon Combs | October 13, 2016 | Comments Off on Trivia Questions Week 10/07/16
The celebrity used to work as a hairdresser at a funeral home – is it: Danny Devito, Debbie Lavato, or Nicki Minaj?
What is the distance between bases in Little League Baseball: 40, 50, or 60 feet?
The United States defense budget is more than the next: 7, 11, or 17 nations combined?
Who holds the NBA record for most career fouls: Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Kevin Willis, or Robert Parrish? (4,657)
Who wrote the New Testament Book, “Revelations”: Paul, John, or Peter?
Native Americans invented this game: Field Hockey, Lacrosse, or Horse Racing?
Bill Gates plans to give more orless than 96% of his fortune to charity? (95%)
Studies show that most athletes get 6.5 to 7 hrs of sleep per night – the same study shows that Olympic athletes get: 6.6 to 7, 7 to 7.5, or 7.5 to 8hrs of sleep each night?
The richest Super Hero is: Iron Man ($100 Bil), Bat Man ($80 Bil), or Black Panther ($500 Bil)?
The NFL moved the goal post from the front to the back of the end zone in: 1972, 74, or 76?
If an astronaut were to take off his space suit and step into outer space it would be: 1/30th of a second, 3 seconds, or 30 seconds before his body would suffer permanent damage?
Out of the current 32, 2016 NFL Logos – how many logos face to the left: None, 1, or 2? (Eagles only NFL logo that faces left – all others face straight or to the right)
This sport once had a dead man win a race – was it: Drag Racing, Horse Racing, or Hot Air Balloon Racing? (In 1923 Jockey Frank Hayes suffered a massive heart attack mid race and somehow his dead body stayed on the 20 to 1 horse to win the race)
Repeat Question from last week – are you paying attention? The first African American to be featured on a US Postal Stamp was: Joe Louis, Fredrick Douglas, or Jesse Owens?
If a Black Widow spider is in or near your home and you own a: Dog, Cat, or Bird – you should kill it? (Cats & Horses are very susceptible to the Black Widow’s venom – Dogs not so much)
How many of the current 30, 2016 Major League Baseball team logos are facing left: 1, 2, or 3? (Toronto & St. Louis – all the rest face straight or to the right)
Actor Daniel Radcliff needed: 61, 160, or 610 pairs of glasses to complete filming of the Harry Potter movie series?
How many of the current 30, 2016 NBA logos face to the left: 1, 2, or 3? (Celtic’s Guy faces left, Heat’s Basketball is traveling through hoop to the left, Cavaliers sword is pointing left – all the other logos are facing straight or to the right)
A group of Parrots is called a: Parliment, Pandemonium, or a Purse?
How many olympic sports has the USA never won a Men’s or Women’s Gold Medal: 7, 9, or 11? (Handball, Modern Pentathlon, Table Tennis, Badminton, Triathlon, Rythmic Gymnastics/Trampoline, – also, but not included because they have been discontinued is Polo (stopped in 1936) and LaCrosse (only played in 1904 & 08)
Owls can turn their necks an astonishing: 270, 290, or 310 degrees?