By Eldon Combs | September 8, 2017 | Comments Off on Trivia Questions Week 09/01/17
Man landed on the moon more or less than 25 years after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor? (28 years)
Actor Jack Black’s parents were both: Policeman, Rocket Scientist, or Musicians?
When a male honey bee climaxes during mating it dies because of: Loss of oxygen, testicales explode, or sting poison is released into it’s body?
It is or is not possible to walk so far East you are heading West? (No North or South Pole like designation)
each human body has closer to: A 1/4 of a pound, A pound, or 2 pounds of bacteria in it? (2 to 9 lbs)
Pirates wore eye patches to: Protect their eyes from salt water, Intimidation, or to see better in the dark? (When going below deck- they could raise the patch and see much better in the dark?
A normal piece of typing paper can reach the moon when folded: 22, 32, or 42 times?
A mosquito has more or less than 50 teeth? (On avg 47 teeth)
Who is the first hunter mentioned in the Bible: Nimrod, Esau, or Sampson? (Genesis 10.9, “Like, Nimrod a mighty hunter before the Lord)
True or False Broccoli is the only vegetable that is also a flower?
The Earth had no space between any of it’s atoms it would be the size of a: Golf Ball, Baseball, Volleyball?
Which weighs more a Hummingbird or a Penny?
The Moon is 400, 4,000, or 40,000 times closer to the earth than the Sun?
Antenna is spelt: A-N-T-E-N-N-A now spell the plural of Antenna: Answer: Antennae (Pronounced An-Ten-E)
You can fit all the people living in the world today in a: 1, 2, or 3 cubic mile area?
How many Mosquitos sucking blood all at once would it take to drain a human body dry of blood: 210,000, 1.2 Million, or 2.1 Million?
Around the world 151,600 people die each day while: 160,000, 260,00, or 360,00 births take place each day?
Standard curb height on US city streets is: 6, 8, or 10″ (Varies but supposed to be 6″)
It takes a photon more or less than 10 minutes to leave the Sun’s surface and to arrive in your eyeball?
How many eyes do Honey Bees have: 3, 4, or 5 (2 Lg Eyes and a 3rd in the center of the head)