By Eldon Combs | August 3, 2018 | Comments Off on Trivia Questions Week 08/03/18
At the World Series of Poker a Lavender Poker Chip has a value of: $25,000, $50,000, or $100,000?
If you and I were traveling together and I said, “Look right over there – you never see an Eastern Grey, Western Grey, and a Antilopine together.” – Where would we be: South America, Hawaii, or Australia? (All are species of Kangaroos)
The 2018 World Series of Poker Main Event had 7,854 players this year how many were women: 151, 301, or 451?
The movie Equalizer 2 has recently hit the theaters but, the original 2014 Equalizer movie – how many deserving bad guys did Denzel Washington’s charactoer Robert McCall kill: 16, 20, or 24?
We all watched Bryce Harper deliver a Home Town Home Run comeback at the 2018 Home Run Derby – Harper was sporting a super cool pair of American Flag baseball shoes with: Red, White, or Blue shoelaces?
Closer to: 40%, 60%, or 80% of American Men shave themselves below the neck: (79% – Nivea Research)
Yahoo Sports asked 18 to 65 year old college sports fans, “Would you remain celibate for a year, if your favorite team were guaranteed to win a national championship: 1, 2, or 3 out of every 5 people polled said yes?
A mail-in survey conducted 3 weeks ago by a major women’s magazine revealed closer to: 60, 70, or 80% of women would chose to give up sexual relations with there partner over giving up shopping?
What is the MLB record for most consecutive games hitting a home run: 7, 8, or 9? (Held by: Ken Griffey Jr, Don Mattingly, Dale Long)
If a person started with nothing and were to set back $300 a month over a 35 year period with an average 7% annual return – they would accumulate more or less than $500,000? ($497,000)
It is or is not possible to meet 1,181 MLB players that was known as a major leaguer in the 2017 Season? ( 30, teams w/ 40 man rosters 1,200 & possibly more with call-ups & changes over the season)
A school teacher was on a flight when her seatmate asked what she did – she started sharing about how hard it was to teach at a low-income school – when the man sitting behind her reached around and handed her: $500, $1,500, or $5,000?
Beginning opening day each MLB season the active roster limit is 25 – what is the minimum number of active players each MLB team must maintain at any given time during the season: 22, 24, or 25?
Adult American’s across the US were asked, “What their ideal age for retirement would be: 55, 58, or 61 was the most common answer? (A dream for sure for most with the current age of 62 being the age that unlocks any opportunity of Social Security)
What is the maximum number of players an NBA can keep on it’s roster during a calendar year: 15, 18, or 20? (During the offseason – they are allowed to have up to 20 players)
Bible Question: Which was not a river that branched off from the river flowing through the Garden of Eden: Euphates (U-Fray-Tees), Hiddekel (Hid-Ah-Kel), or Arnon (R-Nun)?
What is the minimum number of players you can have on an NBA roster during the regular season: 8, 11, 13?
If you make the decision to start Social Security eligibility at age 62 rather than 67 what percentage of money would you receive at age 67 do you forego – more or less than 33%? (typically up to 30%)
San Antonio Spur star Kawhi Leonard was traded to Toronto for the Raptors star DeMar DeRozen – But the Spurs are still old and LeBron is now in the Western Conference with the Lakers – It remains to be seen if San Antonio has enough to make it back to the playoffs for a consecutive: 20th, 21st, or 22nd year?
Most dog experts recommend feeding a 60 lb dog: 3 to 4 cups, 4 to 5 cups, or 5 to 6 cups of food per day? (2 cups in the morning and 2 cups in the afternoon – AT THE MOST each day)