By Eldon Combs | June 2, 2017 | Comments Off on Trivia Questions Week 06/02/17
Sequiota Park in South Springfield has: 56, 76, or 96 parking spots for park patrons?
This week Jimmy Kimmel’s late night show featured a mean tweet directed at Indiana Pacer star Paul George – the tweet read, “Paul George should be traded for a 1/2 bag of: Skittles, Saltine Crackers, or Doritos?
Survivalists generally follow an established rule of: 3, 4, or 5 when evaluating their chances of survival? (People can generally go: 3 mins without air, 3 hours without shelter in extreme weather, 3 days without water & 3 weeks without food)
How many Red, Yellow, & Green traffic llights are at the intersection of Campbell & Battlefield: 12, 14, or 16?
Tiger Woods was pulled over & arrested at 3am in Jupiter, FL for suspicion of DUI – during the arrest the officer told Tiger to be careful walking to the front of the vehicle because his Right or Left shoe was untied?
Not counting any below ground floors – how many floors does Cox Hospital south have: 8, 9, or 10? (Ground floor + 9 numbered floors)
How long did the ABA (American Basketball Assn) last before folding: 7, 9, or 11 years? (67-68 season to 75-76 season)
According to a USA Today On-Line Survey – what percentage of Twitter users said they have less confidence in President Donald Trump because of errors when he tweets: 20%, 50%, or 80%?
“Everyone pulls for David – Nobody roots for Goliath” which NBA star was quoted saying this: LeBron James, Wilt Chamberlain, or Kareem Abdul Jabbar?
How many chefs would Nakato Japanese Steakhouse in Springfield, MO need if all the tables in the restaurant were full: 14, 16, or 18?
If an NBA player jumps and his hand touches the backboard at the very top edge of theat little white square above the rim – how high did the player reach from the floor: 11′, 11’4″ or 11’6″?
An estimated 1 out of every: 10, 15, or 20 families across this nations made a road trip on Memorial Day Weekend this year (2017)?
What sport has the most TV viewers in the age group of 2 to 17: Soccer, NBA or NFL? (Highest in Sports w/ 14%)
How many letters of the alphabet do not have a state that begins with it: 7, 8 or 9?
Both have a predominately White Fan bases but which sport has the highest percentage of White Fans: Hockey (92%) or NASCAR (94%)?
In what year did our country first officially observe the last Monday of May as a Memorial Day Holiday – creating a 3 day weekend: 1951, 1961, or 1971? (1968 Congress voted to observe Memorial Day – took effect in 1971)
Bible Question: Of the 3 most holy cities of Islam – which is considered the holiest: Mecca, Medina, or Jerusalem?
According to USA today the most misspelled word in Missouri is “Maintenance” – can you spell it?
What percentage of PGA events are watched by women: 25%, 30% or 35%?
How many Chefs would Nakato Japanese Steakhouse need if all of the tables in the restaruant were full: 14, 16, 18?
What sport has the most fans making more than $100,000 a year: NHL, PGA, or USTA?