By Eldon Combs | May 11, 2024 | Comments Off on Trivia Questions 05/11/24
New Hampshire has the cheapest monthly individual health insurance rates in all the nation at $323 – Vermont has the highest at $841 – Missouri’s average rate is: $373, $473, $573?
What is the MLB’s record for the longest hitless streak: 45 or 54? (Baltimore Orioles first baseman – Chris Davis 0 for 54 – 2018-19)
According to research conducted by Georgetown University – The American Dream costs around $130,000 a year for an average family of four – While American’s median household income stands at: $47,540 or $74,450? (Any wonder why so many people are upside down financially and in life and with everything rising in price – this situation will only get worse)
What is the NBA record for most consecutive made baskets is: 32, 35, or 38? (Wilt Chamberlain 1967)
Missouri’s average retirement age is higher or lower than America’s national retirement age? (National Retirement Age as of Mar 2024 64/Missouri’s Retirement Age as of Mar 2024 63)
In 2020, 17 year old Maddison Neale broke the record for most consecutive half-court shots made with: 7, 9, or 11?
Before finding “The One” who has more intimate relations Men or Women? (2023 research shows that Men have an average of 4.3 romantic relationships before choosing “The One” – Women 6.3 romantic relationships)
What is the NBA record for most consecutive 3 point shots made: 9, 10, 11? (Chicago Bulls, Ben Gordon did it twice 4/14/24 and with the Detroit Pistons 3/21/24 – The New York Knicks Latrell Spreewell hit 9 on 2/4/13)
Bible Question: In 1st Peter, what does Peter compare new believers to: A baby bird out of it’s nest or newborn babies out of the womb?
The NBA record for most consecutive missed shot attempts is equal to the jersey number of “The Slim Reaper”, Kevin Durant (35) or “Chocolate Thunder”, Daryl Dawkins (53)? (Charlotte Hornets, Kevin Burleson shot 37% from the field over his 4 year NBA career including a stretch where he missed 35 consecutive shots over a 18 game period)