By Eldon Combs | October 15, 2021 | Comments Off on Trivia Questions Week 10/15/21
A Aligator, Monkey, or Zebra which has the closest number of bones to a human?(Aligator 100, Monkey 117, Zebra 205 – Human 206)
50/50 Questions: Since 1950 which powerhouse football program has won the most National Championships: Oklahoma or Alabama?
Mamals are warm-blooded veterbrate animals with hair or fur, typically live birth & female milk capabilities – how many species of mammals exist closer to: 2,400, 4,400, or 6,400?
How many Quarterbacks in the history of the NFL have thrown 300 interceptions: 1, 2, or 3? (Only One Farve 336 – George Blanda is 2nd 277)
At the beginning of a Professional Tennis Match there are: 6, 9, or 12 new tennis balls used in rotation for the match? (Begin with 6 balls changed after 7 games from there on – changed after 9 games)
Bible Quesiton: After Jesus died on the the cross it was: Ananias, Joseph, or Nicodemus that asked for his body for burial? (Joseph of Arimethea)
Using 2 riders per seat – the standard size school bus can hold: 40, 44, or 48 people?
How many Kickers have made a 60 yard or farther field goal in an NFL game: 15, 20, or 25?
The normal/standard grocery cart is: 30, 33, or 36 inches in length?
It’s been closer to: 10, 20, or 30 years ago since the Missouri State Basketball Bears won a Missouri Valley Conference regular season conference titile?