By Eldon Combs | April 8, 2016 | Comments Off on Trivia Questions Week 04/08/16
Instead of a golf club & ball – Neil Armstron originally wanted to take a: Tennis Ball & Racquet, Soccer Ball, or Football? (NASA said no to the football so he snuck the golf stuff on)
Only 1 team is pro sports history has had 20 straight losing seasons -was it the: Pirates, Kings, Clippers?
Philadelphia Cream Cheese was created in: New York, Pennsylvania, California (Chester, NY)
With a loss to the St. Louis Cardinals in 2007 this baseball team became the first ever pro team to amass 10,000 losses – was it the: Cubs, Phillies, or Braves?
True or False Pound cake got it’s name because the original recipe called for a pound of butter, a pound of sugar, a pound of eggs and a pound of Flour?
The most losses by a MLB Pitcher over a career is more or less than 320? (316)
The first ever grocery coupon was for a discount on: General Mills, Post, or Quaker Oats cereal? (1895 CW Post issued a 1 penny discount on a new product – a best seller to this day)
The recrod for most wins by a MLB Pitcher over a career is mor or less than 515? (511 Cy Young also holds the record for most losses at 316)
True or False Pepto-Bismol was originally created as a chemical to quell small fires? (1901 always for the Hershey Squirts)
What year did MLB usher in the 162 game season: 1961, 1962, or 1963? (Al 61/NL 62)
Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders did or did not play basketball in High School?
At the end of the movie “Pulp Fiction” how much money did Jules – out of his own bad butt billfold give the man and his honey bunny that were robbing the restaurant: $1,100, $1,300, or $1,500?
One of these famous newsmen Walter Cronkite, George Stephanapoulos, or Brian Williams graduated from college – the other 2 dropped out – who has the degree?
The MLB record for the least amount of wins in a 162 game season is more or less than 40 games? (1962 NY Mets – only won 42 games with 120 losses)
If you see a “Buck Moon”, “Thunder Moon”, or “Hay Moon” you are in the month of: Mar, May, July?
In 2013 who was the NFL’s defensive play of the year: Patrick Peterson, Luke Kuechly or Cam Chancellor?
Which is not correct – A cat has 18 toes, a bowling lane is 60 feet long, or a quarter has 120 ridges on it’s edge? (a quarter has 119 ridges)
The only offensive lineman to be named AFC Offensive Player of the Week wore a: Red, Orange, or Black uniform? (In 2004 Chiefs Lineman Brian Waters opened holes allowing 8 TD’s vs. the Falcons to get the honor)
Which common candy puts you at risk for heart problems: Saltwater Taffy, Caramels, Licorice? (2 oz of real licorice a day for 2 weeks can give adults abnormal heart rhythms, elevated blood pressure, swelling & congestive heart failure)
The player that holds the NFL record for most postseason career sacks played for the: Patriots, Steelers, or the Bills? (Willie McGinest 16)
Bible Question: In Acts 12:2 the first Apostle was martyred – how was James killed with a: Sword, Stoned to death, or Beaten to death?